Workshop beim Circular Valley

Am 13.02.2025 unternahm die Oberstufenklasse der Höheren Handelsschule HHO2 eine Exkursion zum Circular Valley, einem weltweit vernetzen Projekt der Kreislaufwirtschaft mit Sitz in Wuppertal-Laaken. Der Tages-Workshop fand bilingual statt.

Comment about Circular Valley

In the following I would like to discuss my experience at the Circular Valley workshop and share my thought on the concept of the circular economy. The workshop was an eye-opening experience that made me realise how important it is to rethink the way we produce, consume and dispose of goods. One of the most important realisations from the workshop was the difference between the linear and circular economies. While the linear economy follows the “Take-Make-Dispose” model. The circular economy aims to minimise waist by rethinking production processes. A highlight of the workshop was that we could actively participate by designing and presenting our own sustainable product. This practical experience made us recognise how small changes in design can make a product more environmentally friendly. In conclusion the circular economy helps protect the environment. Even small changes like using recycled products can have a big impact.

Lana Mohammad

Berufskolleg Elberfeld Logo

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